The Meaning of Home
Home and a house are two different things. Two completely different things. A house is just walls and drywall. A home is a place where love and happiness lives and thrives. Sometimes home has hardships but if that place is truly your home you will always find a way back to it. Everyone’s home looks different, it could be a cardboard box on main street or a mansion on the richest street in the city. But if in that place you have happiness and kindness it is a home. Home isn’t always a breeze, sometimes home feels like a bunch of sharp jagged rocks instead of a field of flowers but you just need to keep stepping forward forgive the people you love then your home will become a true home once again.
Family is a very important part of home for me and for most people. My home would not be a home without my family, my amazing brothers and my mom and my dad. But everyone’s family inside their home looks different it could be two parents, one parent and as many brothers and Sisters as you could imagine. And that would be what makes their home their own.
My home to me is my om calling me and my brothers to the dinner table. Home is my dad cheering my name at my swim meets. Home is my brothers playing Mario kart with me on the switch. Home is my family. That is what home means to me.
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