THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Something changed when the place was not the same. It all started when my little human was peeking in my hole! I can always see when he is sleeping and when he is home or not. I’ve been to lots of homes before. I have seen this house grow for a long time; this place is what I call home! I have seen lots of things change, but this place is always the same place on the inside and the outside. It has a heart and I love my home because it is special to me and my human. I love watching them grow. My little human became a big human the other humans became old humans and went away. A woman came to live with us. One day I looked outside, the cracks and messy paint were all gone, all the creaks went away too. My home was different than I remember. This place feels awkward, like I was in another person’s home. It was weird, A little girl was staring at me. I stared back at her. She ran around an unfamiliar place. I always hear my big human say, “no matter the things I have, no matter the money I own the only place that matters to me is home.” I have moved to many homes before, but this was my favorite home. Now it was different it did not look the same and it felt weird at the same time. I was not comfortable with the way my home was. My home was where I felt safe, and I did not feel safe to sleep here. I hated it. The feeling I had of just being in this house was unbearable and unnatural. My home was special to me. Without it I felt sick and dizzy. All I wanted was my home. But it was gone, all gone. That is why I need my home. Home is where you can ask questions and get unstuck. Reader is your home special to you? My home was more than special. You could not even imagine it. I always depend on it. The feeling I had before was gone too. It was magical to feel safe, I loved it. I was comfortable, safe, protected, loved, and cared for. My little human still says, “No matter the things I have, no matter the money I own, the only thing that matters to me... is home.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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