The Meaning of Home

The Meaning of Home is … Home is family. I love my family. They are just like a bag of candy, chocolate, marshmallow and sugar tubes. They are all so sweet. I love my family no matter what. The thing that I love the most is the love that I get. My family’s love is like two circles, like the earth is a circle, but two circles together make a figure 8. An 8 on its side is an infinity symbol. So our love is never going to end. We are going to have fights every now and then, but they’re not major. If I get in a fight, I can always say sorry. A home is where you live with family. When you get there you feel love from your family. A home is where you meet your family and friends being nice to you. My home is like a nice cozy fluffy blanket at Costco. My family is always there to help me with homework . They are super helpful. I don’t know what to do without them. Home is a place that has warmth. Home is a place that you can sleep. Home is a place where you can do what you want. Home is a place where your parents hug you. Home is a place to swim if you have a swimming pool. The size of your home doesn't matter. A home can be miniature. A home can be big. A home can be medium. A home can be a mansion. It can be small. A home can be gigantic. A home can be made with a tree. It can be very small if you want. What matters is the love inside a home.


4 Année

Pincourt, Québec

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