What Home Means to Me

What home means to me. What is home? I know it is not just a place, for me it is somewhere to relax. To feel safe and where there's family. First, I want to talk about relaxing. I play hockey almost every day. So sometimes I need time to relax. I can be very tired from days with hockey. So, I want to relax. So, my legs do not get tired. Second is to feel safe. I do not want to feel like something bad is going to happen. And I do not want to feel aware of everything around me. Like in cities I feel like someone is going to rob me. So that is why I want to feel safe at home. This next one that I am talking about means a lot to me. This is my family. My sister, my mom, my dad, and my dogs. Sometimes when I come home. I am excited to see my dogs. This is what home means to me. For you this may be different. Anyways thanks for listening to my presentation.


6 Année

Dauphin, Manitoba

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