The Meaning of Home
Home looks like playing with my dogs before dinner. Home looks like sitting at the dinner table eating my dinner and talking about what fun we had today. Home is waking up to the fresh look of breakfast. That is what home looks like.
Most people will say that home is made of a nice table or an expensive television, but home is more like this: Home is made of family and friends. Home is made up of love and an amazing amount of caring. Home is made of joy, fun, happiness, and amazingness. Home is made of everything that I love. That is what home is made of.
I think that the main parts of my home are family. Family is a very big part of my home; if family was not there, I don’t know if I would even call it a home. Another very important part of my home are my dogs. When I sleep with them they make me feel comfortable. Another important part of my home is that I am loved and cared for at home. Those are the main parts of my home.
Where is home? Home is wherever my family is, but I guess home is also wherever I am cared for. Home is where all my love is. Home is where I spend time with my family. Home is where I feel happy, loved, and comfortable. Home is where I can feel safe in my mom and dad’s hugs and my dogs’ kisses. That is where home is.
The extra parts of my home are my dogs. They make me feel super comfortable when I hug them. The final extra part that makes my home a home is my friends. They will visit every once and a while. They are really fun.
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