Meaning of Home

What does home mean to you? Home means so many different things. It can mean safety, people, memories and more. To me home means safety, feeling comfortable and most importantly loved by my family. Home is a place where I can cry, laugh and make memories, as you probably know memories are precious and people that are homeless only have memories from living on the streets, having no food and water trying to survive. Hi, my name is Alba and I'm going to talk about the meaning of home. Firstly, let’s talk about safety. Safety can mean so many things, for example it can be something so simple like having a place to eat or having a roof over your head. Think about the weather right now. Imagine having no home and no place to sleep. You would be going through rain, snow and even hail. That’s what some people are going through or have been through. More than 235,000 people don’t have a safe place to sleep or have access to food, water and much more. Secondly, the comfortability you have when you’re in your house. I don’t know about you but in my home, I love to lay in my bed or on the couch, get cozy and watch Netflix. But the meaning of comfort isn’t just getting snuggled up in a blanket and reading a good book, it's also having a safe place to cry, talk, sleep, etc. having someone to talk to about anything or being able to express your feelings to someone and them listening to you feels great doesn’t it. It feels like they care, and u feel comforted. Lastly, family. Family isn't just people that are related by blood, family can also mean friends, pets etc. I have a very big family. My family is six people including my two sisters, a brother, my mom and my dad. I also have four pets. Two dogs and two cats. I love my family so much because they have bought us food, clothes, brought us to activities, etc and most importantly a home. As I have already mentioned there is more than 235,000 people who don’t have homes, food, clothes and many more things. My family is very important to me. Many of homeless people have no family. It breaks my heart to know that over 235,000 people have no family or friends to support them. In conclusion, I talked about the meaning of home which included safety, comfortability, and most importantly being loved by my family. If you didn’t know before I hope you now know how lucky you are to have a home, safety, food, family, etc. I hoped you enjoyed reading my ‘meaning of home’ writing piece. Thank you!


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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