
A home has six main parts. Floor, Walls, Roof, Doors, Windows, And most importantly love. The floor supports, It’s the base of the house, It’s where you first crawl, It’s where you first walk, It’s where you roll around and play, All day everyday. The walls circle around, To create a room, For you to feel safe, In every room, All homes have walls, All trees have branches. The roof is above, It covers your head, It protects you from the storm, The roof is like a swarm of bees, Covering all around. The door is the pathway, That takes you into your home, That keeps you safe and warm. The window is what you look out, And see the bright blue sky, At night you will see the twinkling stars, And the cars drive by. Love is the most beautiful part of a home, It is with the most valued ones in your heart, The smell of a home cooked meal, Safety and support, And warmth. A house and a home are different, And should be set apart. A house is where you live, Where you sleep at night. A home is warm and secure, And is with who you love. Any house can be turned into a home with, A little bit of love, And the people who mean the most to you. Habitat for Humanity turns houses into homes, By building the six main parts, Floors, Walls, Roof, Doors, Windows, And most importantly, Love.


5 Année

Foothills, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi