The Safety of Home
After hearing about so many people dying and losing their homes after the recent earthquakes that happened in Syria and Turkey, I felt lucky to still have my home. And, I started thinking of all the people who don’t have homes for many reasons. The reason most of us are still here is because of our homes.Home should always be the most important and safest place in our lives. Unfortunately, all over the world, some people don’t have a home for their family to stay warm. In some countries where there is war, people don’t have a house or somewhere to stay safe from the violence.
The meaning of my home is not only my house where I luckily have food, warmth and a roof over my head but also the country I live in which is safe from war.
After reading about homeless people, it’s very sad to hear that some people starve in the freezing cold or extremely hot streets. Many countries have a lot of poverty like Madagascar, Nigeria,India and hundreds of others.
In conclusion, I am very proud that these words will donate ten dollars to Habitat for Humanity because some people need ten dollars more than me or my friends. When all the ten dollars from all the submissions are combined, it will make a big difference in the lives of people who need it the most.
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