The Comfort Of My Home
I love my home. These next three paragraphs are going to tell you why I love my home so much and the meaning of it!
To me home is a nice private place. When I say private I mean from the public ,so not my family. I like it because I can basically do whatever I want without anyone seeing (excluding my family obviously). privacy means alot to me. I mean like would you like for someone to walk in on you doing literally everything? No!
Home also makes me feel protected and safe. My home makes me feel safe from the outside weather, humanity and other stuff. My room also makes me feel safe. It makes me feel safe because its private, comfy and it's also mine. I feel protected at home too, because you don't really get hurt at home. Honestly I feel more safe all around when I’m at home.
I also love my home because of the nice people that live there. Also known as my family! I love my family sooooooo ,so much. Just think about it a home is not a home without your family. When I think of my home I think mostly of my family. I absolutely love how nice, generous and overall amazingness of my family. And yes, me and my brother do fight a little. Ok, maybe a lot. But I still love him and my family a lot!
Home is my favourite place on the planet. I know that's a little bit of an exaggeration but it's not !I love my home more than anything! I love my home a lot!
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