Meaning of Home

What does home mean to you? The meaning of home means a lot of different things to people but home for you might mean family, pets, memories or even a smell. Well for me the meaning of home means a place where I feel comfortable, warm, and most importantly loved by my family. Firstly, home might mean a place where you feel amazing. Home does not have to mean a house it could mean a place. When I am at the dance studio, I feel like all my problems, and my stress just fades away and all my focus is on my dance routine as well as the upbeat music that is playing in the background. Some people think that it could just be a house but what makes a home could be a smell or family, but in reality it is the precious memories you make with your loved ones. My favourite part about home, is coming home to my family and talking about my day, knowing that they are listening and will give me good advice when I need it. The sad truth is that some people do not have as good as memories like some people do. It could be from past trauma, or a loss loved one. Secondly, let us talk about safety. Currently, in Winnipeg its cold and sadly homeless people must sleep and survive the entire day in this awful weather. That is not safe for them because they could get sick, and they might not have the right medications to treat them. Most importantly homeless people do not have a place where they feel safe on the streets. Lots of homeless people get treated poorly because they live on the street and some people judge them for their looks, but do not know what some people have been through. Lastly, home is important because there are many who do not have a home. Imagine not being able to have access to food, water, and a warm place to stay. Well in Canada there are more than 235,000 people who do not have access to simple things such as water, food, a phone, and a job. There are homeless shelters that provides what they need like food, water, place to stay, and a roof over their head. But unfortunately, some people cannot go in the shelters, and some might not feel people do not feel comfortable staying there. To conclude, I talked about what home means to me, safety and why home is important. I hope this writing piece makes an awareness to help the people in need and to not take everything for granted.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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