We all need a home to feel loved and safe. A home is where your family and your friends can be together for playing games, eating, playing with your pet if you have one. People who live in your home can be a mom and a dad, or just a mom or a dad, two moms or two dads. You could also have grandparents and siblings or step siblings, cousins or foster parents. Home is where everyone can get together to celebrate birthdays, christmas, all special holidays. Home is where people can be together in sad times like when a person is ill or dies. In my home I see my dog Sierra. My dad and my sister are playing a game on the tv. I hear sierra barking because she is happy to see me. I smell pizza being cooked. I pet Sierra.She feels warm and fluffy and makes me happy. I taste the cucumbers and share some with Sierra as I snack on them. My home is a safe and happy place in the cold of winter. A house is just a building. It can be a mansion or a shack but a home is where you feel like you belong.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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