Home to me is like a warm hot bath. It calms you and helps you regenerate your thoughts so I'm going to write a poem about my home. If my home had a smell it would smell like the great outdoors, the smell of fresh pine and the burning smell of the toasted marshmallows by the fireside that was about to become a smore. If my home was a taste it would taste like the sweet sugar cookies my mom makes every weekend with the rainbow sprinkles and the colorful icing on top. If my home was a touch it would feel like the ocean, all of the bubbles on your face when you jump in all of the fishes swimming by your feet in the water. If you could hear my house it would sound like the giggling of little kids, the laughing of the adults and the dogs barking at the door when my friends come over and if you could see my home you could see it's the perfect home for me. That was my poem of my home and I hoped you liked it.


6 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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