Home to Me
The bright orange door creaks softly as I turn the stiff handle. When I walk outside, the refreshing, cool air fills my lungs, and I slowly exhale. I smell hotdogs cooking on a barbeque down the street. This is home to me.
The warm scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies wafts through the air. A timer beeps loudly, startling me out of a fantasy in my head. I hurry to slip the bulky oven mitt onto my hand, and pull the golden-brown cookies out of the oven. This is home to me.
A heavy warmth gathers me up like a blanket, while the soothing rustle of the pages from my book relaxes me. With a book, I’m carried away to a world with dragons, mermaids and castles. The impossible is possible, and with the cozy quilt wrapped around me, and my story collection surrounding me, I know I’m in the best place I could be. This is home to me.
My pets cuddled up around me by the fire, with a warm blanket. Popcorn popping, and the music of a movie floats through my head. My family with me, comfort, love and happiness being the only important things. This is hope and peace and joy all in one, and this is home to me.
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