The meaning of home

Home is a safe place. Home has lots of memories. Home is where the heart is. Home has lots of fun stuff. My home is my favourite place in the world. Home is a warm place. Home is a safe haven, a place where I have people who care about me. A home gives people a place to care about the people around them that mean the most to them. Home means that no one matter what one is going through there will always be someone looking out for them. The place I call home seems to be in a bubble of protection because nothing can beat the comfort I feel there. Only at home one can feel confident, relaxed, and protected. A home for some is simply four four walls and a roof. For some it is a structure to sustain life. It’s more complex. It’s more of a feeling in one’s heart. It is a warm feeling of family and an abundance of love as well as a home overflowing with memories. Home is where all the love is. Home is where you show love. Home You are not afraid to show love to family and lots of others. Home is where you show more love like hugging your mom and lots of other things. So yeah home is where you show most of your love. As you can see my house is very safe. My home also has so many memories I can't count knowing some of them. And home to me is where the heart really is. And home is my very favourite place in the world. Nothing beats the feeling of being at my house. And thanks to Habitat for Humanity, my family does not have to rent anymore.


6 Année

Grunthal, Manitoba

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