My Meaning of Home
What Home Means For Me
To me home means a lot of things. It is the place where I can play with my little sister, eat my favourite foods, have fun, and most importantly spend time with my family, and know that I am safe.
For me, home is a place where I have good dreams, laugh with my family at the jokes we make, and share our days with each other. I know that I can tell my family if I have a problem, and they can tell me if they have a problem. My home is where I can share my good moments with my family members, enjoy watching a late-night movie, play in my backyard with my sister, and playing video games with my friends.
To me, home is a place where me and my family help each other, whether I help my parents load the groceries from the car, help my sister with her homework, or reach up to grab something for her that she can’t reach. My home is a place where my grandparents come to visit. My grandmother always comes with a dish that waters my mouth with hunger. My grandfather who’s head almost touches the ceiling, always enjoys seeing me and my sister having fun.
My home is also where my grandmother back in my home country, Moldova, lives. She cooks delicious pies, but I only get to see her once in a few years. As well as the stone house in which my great grandfather lives, also in Moldova, beside the house are all the animals he keeps, the corn maze that he has, and the roosters and turkeys that he keeps that I was scared to go inside the pen there that last time I went there when I was a small kid. This is all a home to me. My cousins back in Moldova which I only remember seeing in person once. That is my second home, with one side of my family in it.
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