Home is Where the Heart is

The word home means so much more to me than just a house. To me it means a place where there is always a roof over your head for the long, cold, crispy nights. It means nice hot meals fresh from the oven. Home means the warm sunshine in the bright sky through the big windows. Home is where I can make the best memories with my family. Home is where you can be yourself. Home is a place that keeps you dry through the brutal pouring rain. Home is where the true heart is. That's what home means to me. When I look outside, I see the beautiful pastel coloured sunrise before my eyes just before I get ready to go to my loving school. When I come home my cat welcomes me by purring and warm cuddles. My mom welcomes me with a fresh baked dessert. My brother welcomes me by watching T.V. with me. My sister by saying how was your day? My dad welcomes me by giving the deepest, warmest hugs you can get. I have such a loving family. I really hope that everyone could have such a beautiful, loving home like I do!


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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