What My Home Stands For
H Stands for having fun. I love to get my hair done, especially when my mom puts my hair up into a messy bun. We all love to play video games like minecraft and such but at times we just hangout.
O Stands for the ocean waves we hear in a shell. Occasionally we go to the beach and collect shells. We swim With our floaties, my sister has a baby shark floaty and I have a watermelon one, but I don't need mine unless I want to chill.We have water guns to play with too. But sometimes we just have to say bye to the beach, farewell!
M Stands for when we get mad. Every so often we have arguments,but don't worry it's not all that bad because in the end, we will forgive each other again!
E Stands for when we eat. I love when my Baba bakes because it always tastes good like the potato perogies she makes. My Baba makes me eat some vegetables. Perhaps she thinks it will make me a professional athlete?
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