A Foster Home Life
(Not based on any true story 100% not real 100% fantasy)
Home, it’s funny how that is two things. but I live in one even though it’s not home. But I call it a house because I’m a foster kid with foster parents. why I Said I have two homes? well… kinda already know so problems problems…ahh so fun. That was a joke problems are not fun at all. Some people YAY MORE PROBLEMS!! Yeah…. No, that’s not me. Definitely not after…. Nope, not at all. It’s just all really stressful Especially if you’re taking in the 14 year old foster kid when you already have a kid that’s 7? that’s the dream age for parents. seriously you have a kid that you treat well then take in another one to treat badly? I mean if you need to hurt something get a punching bag or something. Nobody wants to be the person that gets hurt because you have problems? Nope no one wants that but that’s my life as the 14 year old kid in the family. Anyway you don’t want to hear foster stuff.probably don’t want that so get out of diary-like entry and into the real world starting off…
“GET UP!!!” dad says. Then I hear dad gently waking Grace.I come down and start walking to school. what’s up? My friend Aspen asked. all I am is foster kid . Before you comfort let me tell you I got threatened. Grace got “ hey sweetheart get up” heard when I was getting dressed”, I said Aspen said didn’t know they were that harsh. I know they used to be kinda nice, turned completely evil, I replied we should get them back, she said. I said, going to do, though?
You run away from them Aspen said
I said can’t do that, She said but it’s the only way
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