At My Old House
Thursday morning sitting at the table at breakfast I hear my mom talking loudly but I don’t pay attention to her even though I know it is important. My dad sees me looking away. He smiles at me, I don’t smile back and I hear my mom saying that they’re moving away. I get exited but mom looks at me and sighs. I wonder what’s going on,I hear my mom saying you are not coming with us I look at her is this a joke she shakes her head. I run upstairs and yell I NEVER WANTED THIS!
Maybe I can stop them from doing this to me this is my only home why can they do this,do they not like me. I go down stairs and see mom and dad looking at each other and they both sighed I come closer and say do you not like me is this the problem I say my favourite Taylor swift song in my head it’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me. Mom and dad say that it’s for my protection but I don’t believe them at all. I will leave in a week. my home smells like fresh cookies and it felt like I was loved but now it doesn’t feel like I am any more.a week has past.I am in my new family’s car soaked in tears. Sad and mad at the same time I miss my mom and dad already saddest day of my life
I wake up at my old house in my old bed to sweetie it is time to go to the airport it was only a dream but it felt so real oh well good thing it was a dream.
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