Home is the people I trust.That is what makes my Home,what it is.This essay will cover the things in my home,my memories that I made at home and the things I do with my family. I hope that I will never lose my home.
Bang,Bang,Bang,someone is at the front door.My home has many things.I wouldn’t need anything else to have fun.I have furniture like a sofa,tv,piano,dinner table,cabinets,oven,microwave,refrigerator,freezer,etc.My home is very resourceful.My home has a 3 bedrooms.Master bedroom,My bedroom and my sisters bedroom.:My Legos always run away when I try to find them.It has 3 bathrooms.One upstairs,one main floor and one basement.Technically,I have two living rooms.The one in the basement also has my dad’s music equipment and my toys.My kitchen and dining room are connected.My door is the opening to the world of freedom(My home).I have all the things I need in my home.
I have made many memories in my house. .Some are difficult and some are special. I. have celebrated my birthdays.I was born after we bought the house.I celebrated my family’s birthdays too.Like when I had my 6th birthday I had face paint.I’ve celebrated holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving.Like on Christmas morning when I open presents and eat a big meal.But I have also gotten to play games that I created on the holidays and birthdays.Like Don’t ARgh the Captain or Sheriff I enjoy when friends visit us.We get to see and make memories with the people we haven’t seen in a while.Although,I sometimes I have difficult memories like when I was sick or when I was in shock.I remember my home being like an amusement park when I was younger.I would present stories every night and we would act it out.But the memories in my house will always be a part of me.I can’t wait to make new memories in my house.
My family is miraculous.When I need help,they don’t hesitate to help or support me no matter what.They help us with math,tests and when I am down.To me,they are worth losing everything.I do special things with them like eating a traditional food and talking about getting a new house.They are the people I can count on.When they are there,I feel safe.My family is my support.They are my home.
I would rather lose my house and toys than lose my family.I love my family.I love my family/home.
I’ve talked about the things in my home,memories that I have and my family as moral support.These make my home meaningful.My home has everything I need.
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