Home Sweet Home
Home to me is the sweetest place on earth The people that I love the memories made there. Where as sometimes I like my nana's house or my friends house those are places that I feel safe. I love when I am watching tv and I smell the nice fresh chocolate muffins cooking in the oven. Mom walks in with the muffins and gives me a nice warm muffin. I feel the warm muffin going down my neck and that really makes me feel at home.
Some people might say that home is just the house. No no no my friend home is the things that you love the people that you love the people that care about you and that you care about. Something that I will tell you is that you should be grateful for everyone you have The roof over your head, the nice food you get, the warm cozy bed that you get to lay in when you sleep and the love that surrounds you always. I guess in closing what I am trying to say is that home is not a building or place but the people that make it a home.
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