Meaning of Home
Meaning of home -
By Aqeeda
The meaning of home to me means ur home, like who's your home?, My home is my family they are like a fireplace and they keep me warm, A home shouldn't be about your house or where you live, it's about a person who keeps you safe and can be trusted with your whole life, someone you would die for and not someone who makes you feel sick to your stomach. And sometimes you're scared you over think if they leave you when really they never do, you can never help but overthink sometimes. Even entertainment makes me feel safe because i can focus on something else if something bad is happening you should never ever feel scared around someone you trust with your whole heart because if you are then that just means that they aren't a true person that you would give your whole heart too, but if you do feel safe around them and you aren't scared of ever opening up too them that means that you think that they are a trustworthy person and i feel that way with my family and you should too.meaning of home doesn't always mean your family or someone you trust it could also mean, my home where i live, where i feel warm, it could be food, love and even country.
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