What Home Means To Me

Home means everything to me. Home is a place I can be me and be loved. Home is where I grew up and lived a peaceful life. I have never moved before, sometimes I think it could be fun, but I love my home. I love biking around town with friends on the roads I know like the back of my hand. I love going to get ice cream at Syl's and donuts at Tim's. I love going to the splash pad with my friends in the summer. I love the warm feeling home gives me. The way it always smells of candles of sage. I love laying on my bed and FaceTiming my friends. But I know not everyone has what I do, so I'm very grateful for everything I have. I'm grateful for the food in my fridge. I’m grateful for the pets I own. I'm grateful for the family I love. I am grateful for home. Home makes me happy. It makes me happy when I see my cat pawing on the window when she sees me walking back from school. It makes me happy when I play Just Dance with my family. It makes me happy when I play video games with my brother. Home makes me happy. Home is everything. I love home.


6 Année

Carman, Manitoba

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