What Home Means to Me
My home is where my family gathers around the table every night for dinner. My family loves when my dad makes his hashbrown cheesy casserole. I love my home because my family gives me the love, food, protection, and things I need by eating at the dinner table altogether every night. My home is a great space too be because my mom and dad make sure there is food on the table every night and make sure I have clean clothes and a roof over my head.
Every night when I get home from school, I get the nice surprise to come home to my dog all happy and excited to see me and my sister and parents. I like my home because there is privacy and locks on doors and curtains to make me feel safe. Sometimes me and my sister play games together and hang out with each other. I enjoy all the holidays because my family is with me, and we get to have a lot of fun together. I love my family because they also give me a lot of experiences to do fun things like travelling to Kingston. Also, early on Saturday mornings me and my dad go grocery shopping together and after we shop, he sometimes takes me to Tim Horton’s and gets me, my sister and mom breakfast and my dog a Timbit. I also love my home because I have my own room with my own things and I’m grateful for what my family has given me. Every once and a while when we stock up on chips and pop in the house me and my family all watch a movie in the living room at night. I love my home.
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