Home is a place where you feel safe and have food stability.
Having a home made meal. When I walk in my home I smell
Fresh roasted chicken with some garlic bread. When I sit down at the table my family is gather around ready to eat, I take a bite and it makes me feel grateful for having food on the table, my family start’s talking about their day and it makes my family’s relationship better and stronger.
Home is a place where you feel loved and having a roof over
Your head
Having a roof over my head. When it’s a raining day I sit down beside my parents and we start watching a movie and it makes me feel grateful for having a roof over my head and then I curl up closer to my mom and dad, after the movie I smell fresh popped popcorn and I come rushing down with my sister, my mom and dad already have two bowls ready for me and my sister and makes me feel loved.
Home is a place to feel welcome.
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