What My Home is Like on the Inside

For me the meaning of home is having a safe shelter to sleep, eat yummy food, drink clean water and to have a family that loves me. Home is a place where I feel loved. Home is also a place where I am safe and feel safe. Home is a lovely place. My house is not only a house, it is a home and a home is a place filled with love. Home is a place where I can help. At home I help with the cooking. Home is where I can help my parents and my older sibling. Home is where I feel important. Home is where I can help with the jobs around the house, even if I don't like a job. Home is a place for gatherings. We can have gatherings to hang out with family and friends. Home is a place for family and friends. I have fun at home. Home is more fun with more family. Home has a cozy feel to it. I love my home and I wish that everyone could have a home, so the world could be a better place. I think everyone deserves a home like I do. I think this way because some people live on the cold and lonely streets and it is not fair that they don't feel safe or are not safe.


5 Année

North York, Ontario

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