My Home Outstretched Through My Country

My home is not only my house, It's also my friends and family, Montreal, my city, Quebec, my province, And Canada, my country. My home is created by my friends and family, Because they make me happy. They are kind, loving and caring, They have always been welcoming and comforting. If you are looking for encouragement, look no further, Theirs is the best, i shall stay that way forever. My house and my school are safe and delightful, For that I am thankful. There is a roof over my head, Where I can sleep in my bed. I have a school that's reliable, That has always been undeniable. Canada has Timmie's, And amazing communities. It also has poutine, And delicious cuisine. Quebec has French culture, And new things to discover. Montreal has hockey, And really good coffee. Thank you to Habitat for Humanity for helping people in need, Because having a home is not always guaranteed. My home, my city, my province and my country, It should be something for everybody.


6 Année

Montreal, Québec

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi