The Word Home
Home is a philosophical word as it is different for everyone. For me, home is an area or place to be yourself and feel no embarrassment if you were to crack an “eggcelent” joke in front of people.
Home can be anywhere, anytime for anyone.
As long as you’re happy and feel comfortable, it’s home.
Home can be thought of as your senses. When I feel my goalie equipment on my body, I’m happy for I am about to play hockey. That is home to me.
When I see my family, I feel comfortable and free to be myself. I feel at home.
The conversations I have with my dad after hockey comfort me with his voice and the music he teaches me about. I’m home.
The smell of dinner when I get home and delicious taste of it. I fancy that. I am now home.
Home is different for everyone, and I pray for all families to find their home and have a stable house to live in.
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