My Home

When I'm at home I feel secure, loved, happy and never alone. I feel appreciated, welcomed and if I ever feel sad they will cheer me up and make me feel special because my family is always there for me. I can always rely on them. I feel like I can always trust them. I love making memories with them.I am very grateful that I can go to school to learn and to have good relationships with people. To be social and friendly. My province has lots of nice people. My province is known for maple syrup and for playing hockey. My province has lots of places other places don't have like Tim Hortons and La Ronde, as well as many festivals that attract tourists from all over the world. My province has higher education. My province has lots of bilingual and multicultural people and many cultural districts such as: ChinaTown and Little Italy. It is very fun living in Montreal. You get the best of every season. In the winter you can go ice skating, skiing or tubing. In the spring we can go to the Sugar Shack. In the summer we can go camping, hiking and swimming. In the fall we can go apple picking or pumpkin picking.


4 Année

Montreal, Québec

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi