Home Doesn't Mean House

Home doesn’t mean house. A house doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a home. To me, the definition of home is a place you love or where you go back to after a long hard day of work, where you can just relax with your family and feel safe. It doesn’t make a difference if you live in the country or in town, if you are living in a cabin, an Igloo, an apartment, or a house, your home can be in any country. It doesn't matter what country it is, you just have to like it there. The number one thing that matters is if you have people around you whom you love, a roof over your head, and you have somewhere to sleep. Home is another way to say you know you’re safe, protected, and cared for. Your home should also make you feel warm and loving. Your home should have the 5 W’s to be home. Who What When Where Why My home has all of the 5 W’s. Who; The people you love or your family. What; A place where everyone excepts who you are. When; All the time. Where; Any place, like a cabin, an Igloo, or a house like I said before. And finally, Why; Because you need it.


5 Année

MacGregor, Manitoba

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