Home is a place I know and won’t forget. It is a place that I can come back to and won’t get kicked out of. A lot of people do not have a home and will have to find shelters of sorts in order to stay alive. In the winter you have a warm house. Some people that don’t have a house will freeze so be thankful that you have a working mother and/or father that will use the money he and/or she earns to keep your house running and warm. Home is not just four walls and a ceiling. It is a place that you can and will make good memories for you and your whole family. One good thing about home is that you can pass it down from family member to family member. Another good thing is that when you are done with your work or done with the school day you can have someone waiting for you at your home. Getting a home is serious business but once you get it the business is over. When it is, you get something some people want most, family time. Some people forget that having a home is not business, having a home is family. People will often mess that up. My favourite part of having a home is that I can watch a movie when I am all done the school week. It is always a lot of fun at home and I hope you have fun too.


4 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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