My Home

The houses around me modern new black and white not a single splash of color in sight a beautiful view meanwhile me, a crooked, paint chipping blue house. On the other side of the street, people waiting to tear me down to build a new black and white house with not a single splash of color in sight. The day that I was built I was the most beautiful house in sight, blue with flowers in every flower basket. My people bought me that afternoon then, I became a home. My new rooms, filled with furniture, books, toys and more. Now that I am old, I know the difference between a house and a home, a home is not just filled with furniture but with memories and you will always remember me, a house is just a place to stay dry and sleep, one day when my people left me for a new house BOOM, I was gone I became a black and white house with not a splash of color. Well, if you were wondering, I am now a black and white house with not a single splash of color, but I have new people now and they are my people, just as the last ones were. That is a home.


6 Année

Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi