Meaning of Home

Home can mean many things to many people. Home can mean the laughter that fills the room, or it could be the comfort of having someone there for you, but most importantly love, a comforting feeling that someone is there for you. Home is more than the building you live in, but a safe place with family and pets. Home to me is laughter. The joy that spreads through the room with even just a little chuckle. The sound of a family member laughing can be comforting and warm. Laughter can be very powerful. Whether the laugh is to cheer you up or because of a joke, laughter is a comforting part of home to me. Another big part of home to me is comfort. Whether the comfort is because my cat is crying at the door, or watching a movie with my family, it is all comfort. Comfort plays a big part in home to me because that's how you know that you're safe. When I walk in my home I feel comfort, I know that my family will always be there for me to create a loving, safe, comforting, environment. The key to home for me is love. Even small things like playing a game with my family tells me I’m loved. Love is the warm feeling that someone is there for you and to help you when you are down. Love is the biggest part of home, it is what brings us together. Without love, home would not be the same. I think that everyone should have a place to call home. A place to feel safe and comforted. Home is a very important place that is secure and warm.


5 Année

Woodstock, Ontario

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