What Home Means to Me

What Home Means to Me Home isn't just the place I spend my time before and after school. It is so much more than that. It’s the place where my family and pets are. It's the place where snuggles in bed happen. The thing is, If my family didn’t have a home, we wouldn't have our amazing pets. Or a place to do game nights. Our home is one of the things that connects us as a family. Home is somewhere kids should feel safe, secure, and happy. It is a place of happiness, peace, and family. Anytime I walk in, my family is there. Family is important, and where do we find our family? In our homes! It does not matter what your home looks like, or what it smells like. It's just your place, and that feels good. I think it is essential for kids to say, “this is MY home”. Home to me feels familiar and comfortable. It is a place where I take my socks off at the door and wear my pyjamas a little longer on the weekend. I am lucky enough to have a nice backyard where I can play with my dog and enjoy the same comfort as inside my home. Home isn’t just my family, it's my community! I love the neighbourhood and community that I live in. Many of my friends are part of the same community too. It’s nice to live in a safe community where everybody is friendly and welcoming. It's good to know what's around your community. Doing activities like sports is a great way to meet more members of your community. I feel fortunate to live in a safe town with incredible neighbours where I have the opportunity to do activities and have fun! Home to me is a place where my family can bond and hang out. It’s a place where I feel happy, safe, and peaceful. It's located in a community where I have many friends. I don't know what I could do without them, because it wouldn’t feel like home to me. It's in a wonderful place with good neighbours. This is what home means to me. What does it mean to you?


5 Année

Woodstock, Ontario

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