Home is Home

The meaning of home. My five paragraph easy is on the meaning of home. I have three paragraphs of the meaning of home I hope you enjoy. I live near a hospital where you have surgery and stiches and others I can not think of. We have stuff for sprains wound’s and flu’s. When you need help by calling, we have GOOD connections. So I am very safe. I feel so safe. You have nightmares in your home. The scary in the night. Where you run from the monsters from your closet in your dream. You hope the dream does not go to the reality.you will be scared or terrified in your dreams. It's like you’re playing hide-and-seek. But your life depended on it. You scream and sketch, but remember it’s just a dream. You hide in the dark scary forest. It feels the trees are getting closer, and closer, but you're not moving. I sleep in my home. I love to get cozy while watching television. I snuggle my dog and bundle up. I get my alone time because I am the only child. It gets lonely, but I remember I have my parents to play with. I get better in my bed from my full. I have people that help me. That's the meaning of home of my home. Joyful, safe, nice, and feels like MY HOME. I have kind family members that are amazing. I am so thankful for everything. I can not ask for anything else.


5 Année

Woodstock, Ontario

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