The Meaning of Home
Home means more than a roof
over your head.
Home is where you're safe.
Home is where you can randomly start singing and not feel strange about it.
At home, you can have pets.
Pets make hard days better.
When you say “this is my house”, you’re talking about the outside.
Home is all about the special things you enjoy.
For me, home is hanging out with pets,
laughing with my really odd family,
Friday movie night,
playing games,
dancing with the dogs,
playing hide and seek
and so much more!
When you’re at your house, it doesn’t mean much.
But when you’re at home, you’ve got fun,
people that support you,
people that love you,
a place to go that means much more than a house.
It's a home.
At my home, we laugh when my sibling starts randomly dancing.
At my home, my family supports my choice to be an author.
Home is warm.
Just the word can make a frown turn upside down.
Home is safe.
Home is comfy.
Home has no limit to how weird you can be.
At home, everyone accepts how you dress,
your personality,
who you are.
At home you are truly yourself.
A house is nice to have, but could be temporary.
Home is forever.
A home, that is permanent.
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