Home is Family

Family is what makes home special to me. My family is the greatest in the world. Thinking of my mom, dad and brother in my warm, comfy home is like a warm blanket filled with a great deal of love. Another thing that makes my home so special is when my mom lies down beside me in bed and tells me a story so that I can fall asleep when I am having a hard time sleeping or if I had a nightmare. This makes me feel so safe that I fall asleep right away which is why my family is the best. I am really close to my mom and dad and my brother . In my home we do everything together like cooking, cleaning, playing games, sports and watching movies. The smell of my moms cooking and my dad making pizza or bbqing are smells that remind me of home. When I smell bbq or pizza I think of my dad. When I smell sauce cooking I know my mom is making the best pasta dinner ever and it makes me happy inside. Another reason my home is so special is the feeling I get when I smell and think of the taste of chocolate peanut butter cookies coming out of the oven because I make and bake these cookies with my mom and they are DELICIOUS! Music is also another thing we always play in my home. No matter what we are doing music is always playing in the background. We sing with the songs and laugh at how awful we sound and it is hilarious. In conclusion, the most important thing that makes my HOME special is my FAMILY and how much they love me and I love them.


5 Année

Barrie, Ontario

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