Magic of Home

Home is something magical. It is a gift life has given to many of us. Well, the real question is, What is home? There is a simple answer. Home is your destiny, it could be you as well. Home is more than a building. Because home is your family. You have to learn that you are a part of a family who call you home. They depend on you to love their lives the way it is. This means the family and home you live for. Home is where you truly belong, and you always will. Your family will be there for you. Getting a home is a once of a lifetime opportunity. Some people don’t have homes. Compared to them, we should feel grateful. I am sure we all have seen at least one person with nothing else than a little bag. This is a small amount of things they call home. We live in comfier places we are thankful for. You don’t find home, home finds you. With small savings and donations, we will all accomplish something big that will be added to history! Believe in yourself. Everyone needs a home. Life knows about consequences and it wants everybody to face them. But sometimes, with no intention and guess, human problems could be to face being homeless. Everyone needs a home. Not just to survive, they need it to share a bit of the joy that is being spreaded every single second in this world. All of this is in the control of our hands. If we believe that we can do it, then our thoughts of courage will become reality. Home is something rare, only some people are lucky enough to have one. Note this, you don’t live in anything, the home lives in you.


4 Année

Milton, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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