The Meaning of Home
To me home is a place to learn and pass on traditions. I think traditions are very important. My family has a Mennonite heritage and it is very important to my family to keep the old traditions going. It is especially important to me. I am a bit of a history buff. Every year we get together and have a family gathering. My mom’s family isn’t very talkative so It is awkward for my dad who doesn’t get that silence is what we want. But that's part of our tradition.
So what I am trying to say is that really my home can be where ever I can practise my traditions. I used to have a house that wasn't a very good house or home. It was shady and shifty and not safe at all! But it was my home anyway. But my mom was about to have my sister and it was not safe (nor big enough for my sister and me so we moved). We moved to a big old (nearly 110) house and made it our home. It took a lot of work and elbow grease. We even had to live in the basement for a year! So now we have a new, nicer, safer house but what makes it my home is the traditions we share.
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