What Home Means To Me
What home means to me poem
What home means to me is a place where I can feel safe. A place where I can relax. Where to feel loved, where you feel like this is where you can be you. But home is not a place, it is a feeling. To feel home it is not that complex, it is just a place to feel safe - to feel loved - to be you. A home is your special place to feel safe. A place to go when you feel scared or sad. A place you don’t have to leave and if you do it will always be with you it doesn't matter what you call it or what it is or how you feel what it is or how big or small. It is a home. It is what you think it is. It could be any shape or any size a home is special every home is different, just the way people like it. Some like big, others like it small, but your home is yours.
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