The Meaning of Home
In a home there are beds, couches, tables, and food. People love their homes. But then there are people who do not have any of that. The streets are some people’s homes. These people must roam the streets, sleep on cardboard, and eat at homeless shelters. All they have to eat are some crumbs or very cheap food or nothing at all. But people with houses think “home” is a wonderful place and some do not think about the unfortunate. Some people even rub it in their faces. They say things like “Oh, it’s raining, good thing I have a roof over my head "or “I am so glad that I am not cold during the winter.” Also, some ignorant people recently beat up a homeless person who had nowhere to run. Some people with homes feel safe and comforted. We should be nice to the unfortunate, donate our change or leftover cash. Whenever I hear the word “homeless,” I start to tear up. I think about my home. It has four doors, a kitchen, three bathrooms, and two living rooms. It has an upstairs and a downstairs. It has four people, two dogs and is full of happiness. But there are some people who have what I have and are ungrateful. They want so much. They are so greedy. Be grateful for the home you have and be kind to those who do not have one of their own.