Meaning of Home

To me a home means there is a roof over your head,you sleep,eat,play with all your friends and family. A day goes by, a week is shy, a month will go by faster than you want. Every time a time goes by, you will know a home does not mean just being safe it lets you have memories. Even if you move to a different home you will still keep your heart warming memoires. You’re going to have the time of your life. Home is love, you will find lots of new things. Homes come and go but you can make new friends. Home is p[lace to find things like courage,love and very nice memories. You can do many things in a home, even a sport can be a sport can be a home. Sometimes you don't have a good day, but home will make you happy, a home has everything you need. Love means there's people there for you. Sometimes you just need a little love. Love means you have something that you will never forget the love you have and had from people. Everyday you need love to have a good time, if you don't have love you probably not have much fun, sometimes love will be just right, sometimes love is everything you need. It's not about money,flexing or showing off, all you need in life is love.


4 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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