the meaning of home to me

The meaning of home to me is my 2 animals at home named Monte and mischief, we got them 3 and 4 years ago. Monte is 3 and mischief is 4 and they're a big part of my life and it would not be the same without them in my home. My mom and my dad are the best part of my home because they make me feel good inside and they prostate me . My 2 sites are so important. They help me a lot, like with sole wrce and riding . And a lot of things from wan i was a babe like babe toy and babe close and we did have a pacifier but we lost it so now we do not have one and soffe from wan my 2 sittre were bone so they are old but not to old as 17 years old and my mom still has it. And space things in my room like toys and soffits and pitches of my family.I feel safe and i am comfortable and i feel like i can be my saffe. and all of my franchise like a lot of cool stoff but my parise are tring to get a now howse and i feel wan we get a nowe howse it will not feel like home and but they did not fide one wate so i am happy bigose i do not wate to move and we asowe have alot of getarse in the basemite.


5 Année

kamloops, Colombie-Britannique

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