Everyone Deserves A Home!
A home to me is a place where I can feel safe and happy. A home to me is also a structure that keeps me warm or cool, and dry from the weather outside.
My home is very special to me because when I’m at home I can hear my little brother laughing. When I look out the window, I see the squirrels that live in our tree play fighting and the rabbit that lives in our yard hopping. In the afternoons the house always smells super delicious because it smells like the scrumptious food that my grandma is cooking. This smell makes the home feel cozy on a cold winter's day.
When I walk into my room I always feel really good because I feel like my room is a place where I can truly be myself and do fun things with my family and my friends. My room also makes me feel happy and safe because my family decorated my room just how I wanted it to be, for my birthday. At home, when I’m bored, I get creative and I’ve come up with lots of different good ideas over the years.
The living room of my home is one of my favorite areas. One of the reasons why is because my mom has a humidifier and the air that comes out of it smells amazing. My mom adds scented oils into the water. My favourite is called Rainforest - maybe I like it because I come from Ecuador.
Everyone deserves a home. It doesn’t matter what kind of home it is, but everyone deserves a home where they can be together with their family. Everyone should be able to have a place where they can go and feel safe and happy. I am very grateful that I have a home with everything I need and more.
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