What Home Means To Me - ‘A house may belong to you, but you belong to a home.’

Home sweet home. Home is the place where we live, stay, laugh and play. A home could be in any building, it could be made of anything, or be anywhere. It doesn’t matter what’s on the outside, it matters what's on the inside - the people, the pets, and the feelings. The love and happiness of the family members, make up our home. Home is a place to live with our families, pets and enjoy with friends. The best part about my home is whom I share it with - my mom, dad, and brother. We all make our homes special. No matter where you are, your home is where your loved ones and the things you care for are. My home is where I took my first steps and said my first words. I grew up here and so my home is so precious and important. Home is not any place it's a place full of emotions, home itself is more of a feeling. For me, home is a safe place and a comfort zone. A special place to build memories. A place where we can truly be ourselves. In my home, the air is always fragrant and the laughter is continuous. My pets greet me at my door and my siblings run up to me. My home is a warm and loving place to be. My mom in the kitchen and my dad in his office room. We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together, we play and spend time with each other. We have a happy and comfy home. Although we have a warm-cozy home to live in with a roof on top, and walls around us we can’t forget the ones who have no home or a place to stay. This is one of the reasons why I wrote this poem and essay, to spark hope and try to help those who are out there in the cold in lack of food, water, and who require shelter. We all love our home, but what about the people who don’t have one? We all can afford a home but some people can’t. So we should be grateful that we have a home that is so precious and nice. We all should try to donate and help those in need. So, not only do the people who can afford a home deserve a home, everyone deserves a home.


6 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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