My Home

What is home you may ask home can mean anything to certain people. Today I will tell you what home means to me. What makes a house home for me is that my family lives in it with me. Or that I spend most of my time having fun inside whether it’s building a puzzle or playing tag inside. Anything I do inside my home makes it exactly that , home. What I love about my home is that my room and my sister’s room are right next to each other so I can feel the love of my sister shining through the wall. But my most favorite room of my home is the master bedroom. Why you may ask because that is where the imagination happens where we play, have fun and let our imagination run free. That’s why the master bedroom is my favorite room. When I come back home either from a long trip to an exotic place or from a sleepover at my friends house.I always have this feeling like a feeling of joy of knowing that I’m safe or a feeling that I’m back home. After that feeling I feel other feelings like relaxed or relieved that I am back home. When I’m feeling sad or just need a quiet place I turn to my favorite spot of my home which is a place I go to read. Or to simply get away from the noise and when I arrive I feel relaxed and happy. When I get mad at someone I think to myself that I should be grateful. For example my home, my family and friends. I think to myself other people don’t have those things and that is why we need to be grateful for the things we have.


5 Année

OTTAWA, Ontario

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