What home means to me
Home, 4 letters that represent different meanings for different perspectives. Place to realize our humanity, our memories, our life.
Place that shows what we’ve been through and shows what we’re gonna do, it shows what we were and what we are and what we’re going to be. Home is not a specific place, it can be anything. It can be someone, somewhere that encourages us to live.
From my perspective home is where every second a breath comes and a breath dies. Home is a place that you are safe in, the place where your family lives. Home is the loving hands of my parents who embrace me and take care of me like a shield.
Home is the place that encourages me to try to achieve my goals. home is the place where I spend most of my time and I'm comfortable. Home is where I would always rather be, and nowhere in this earth can be good as home for me, home is not only a roof and walls it's a place that you show your love and kindness to people who live with you.
Just take a minute and think about your home, see how comfortable you are in it, now think of people who don't have a home and anywhere to live in. So we have to be thankful that we have a roof over our head and a warm place to live.
I think there is a big difference between home and house because home is where you feel comfortable in and house is just a property and a shelter, but a home is where there is lots of love and kindness.
It doesn't matter how big or small the house is, the only important things are how do the people in the house feel about the place and how kind they are in it to each other and how much they help each other to develop their level in community and their knowledge about different things.
The meaning of home is not having a big house or a luxury one. When a family gathers together in a shelter with a warm heart they can make a whole full space to grow up and it's the whole meaning of the home.
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