Meaning of home to me!

Meaning of home to me! Where I live day and night, Where I lay, where I play. Where I feel loved, where I play day and night. Where I feel protected. Where I have a roof over my head. Where I sleep, where I feel free. Home is where you live day and night. A house is where you change addresses. A home is where you live each and every day. A home is where you have memories. You might change your house but your home cannot be changed. Your home makes you feel loved, every day. You feel freedom in your home. Home is where you have fun. Where u can do anything you want. Where you could play day and night. Where you could live your whole life. Where u feel respected. Home is where you have clothing to wear. Where you have a family that loves you even though you think they don't. Where you could sleep any time you want. No matter how rich or poor you are, home is where you feel welcome every single day. No matter the size of my home, my home is my home. No matter how dark your home is, your home is your home. Home is where you have devices to search things up. No matter how small or big your home is, my home is my home. My address can change but my memories won't.. Home is where you feel welcomed every time you enter. Home is where you feel good. I may have one singular home but home is my home. Home is where I see my family. Home is where I feel happy every single day and nothing could stop that. Home is lovely, caring, protected, loved, and amazing. Home is where you learn to walk, run, and play, and have fun each and every day. You can learn a lot of things in your home, and even if your home is worth nothing and has dust or dirt in it you could still make it your home.


5 Année

Cambridge, Ontario

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