The Meaning of Home

Home to me makes me feel safe because I have my family with me and I am protected. It also means fun because I get to play a lot of sports, video games and lots more at home. My home feels relaxing because I can chill on the couch or my bed. Homes are a privilege because lots of people out in the world don’t have anything or a home. And last but not least, Lots of houses have warm air conditioning like mine and I have lots of blankets and stuff to keep me warm. I'm so grateful to have the home I have. If I saw a homeless person then I would give them a blanket to be warm, money and food. Homeless people don’t deserve to be treated so badly. So I’m lucky to have a shelter because lots of people out there don't have food, shelter and they are very cold. And lots of kids and parents out there have big houses and fancy stuff. Homeless people have nothing. But some homeless people have dogs and some belongings. So that’s why you should treat homeless people right and that’s why lots of people that have houses are very lucky.


5 Année

Newmarket, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi