The Meaning of Home

Home can have different meanings. For some people, home is where they were born. For other people, home means where they currently live. Also, home can be linked to culture. Our past, values and culture shaped someone’s concept of home. For me, home means safety and happiness. I see home as a safe place because there are people who love me like my dad and my mom. Home is your own space where you know nothing bad will happen. Also, you have control home is also a shelter. It will protect you from the elements. Home feels safe because we have emotions attached to locations or objects. In this case, safe emotions are linked to home, going home re-trigger safety felling. Home also means a happy place to me. When I think of my home, I think of all the nice memories I have. I feel safe in my house. Also, I think the home should have a nice environment. What I mean by that is home should have caring parents, food and a violence-free place. A home is somewhere where I can be healthy, learn and have fun. I think it is important to have a nice and healthy environment to grow up in. To conclude the meaning of home is different for everyone. Our values are culture and our up bring can all influence the meaning of home. For me home means safety and happiness. A homeless person may have a different meaning. For the Syrian refugees, their home in Syria is not safe or happy.


6 Année

Huntsville, Ontario

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